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Matthew 19:26 - But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them,” With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”
I. The releasing of judgment is the pathway to life without limits
Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Most of us do not really believe this is true
We may believe the scripture is true but still have difficulty in experiencing what the scripture promises
Our beliefs are based on our experiences instead of the reality of God’s word
Many peoples personal faith is based on experience that the world has given instead of the truth that God has provided
Our self- judgments determine our beliefs and our beliefs manifest into our reality
Everyone lives out of self perception or personal beliefs
Our perceptions color our vision and can cause us to lose our way
Satan has worked hard to distort God’s truth and plan for our lives
That is why Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free
A lie will cause bondage
God’s truth brings release
II. Stop limiting God in your life
Psalms 78:41 - Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.
It is difficult to believe that God can be limited
God actually limits himself because He will not enable or violate self will
God determined that man kind should be free to make choices
God created in us the power of choice
Freedom can be found by making the biblical choice
Slavery results from choosing the way of the world
God is all powerful but in His sovereignty He allows us to choose life or death, by believing and trusting Him or by refusing Him
Numbers 13:33 - And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
God did not see His people as grasshoppers
Our enemies do not see us as grasshoppers
The problem is simply self perspective and self judgment
Their judgment of themselves caused a forty year journey that could have been prevented
God’s promise had been limited
Hebrews 4:2 - For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them; but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
When what you believe is contrary to the word (God’s judgment) then the word will not prosper in your life
The problem is not God’s judgment but your own
Accepting God’s judgment removes us from our own limitations
His grace is limitless and so can we also be in Him
God has judged us as his own children, joint heirs with Jesus Christ
A key to winning in life is in seizing opportunities
Opportunities will be lost when we are blinded by personal false perceptions
The walls of limitation can be built by self-judgment
Our self view will create opportunities that are in line with what we believe about ourselves
When our perception becomes God’s perception then we can surely do all things through Christ
Study Questions:
How can self judgment determine what we believe?
Explain how God can be limited in our life.
How does a person get the word of God to prosper in their life?
Explain how accepting God’s judgment removes limitations.
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