Course Number: MN 3110-30
Title: Advanced Apostolic Studies
Author: Jonas Clark
Category: Theology & Ministry
Qualifies for: Apostolic Concentration
TB - Text Book Course
Credit Hours: 3hrs
This book is about transitioning every believer into Apostolic Ministry. As you explore Advanced Apostolic Studies equipping module you will gain a new perspective of the ministry of an apostle and how these gifts work together with prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip you for victory. Inside this book you will find some important truths, build apostolic foundations, learn the four types of apostles and their differences, discover the seat of divine government, learn how to enter the "sent-one" apostolic dimension, and learn the twelve qualifications for apostolic ministry. Discover how every believer fits into the apostolic structure; learn the earmarks of an apostolic lifestyle – and more!