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America & End-Time Prophecy

by Dr. Steve Wittmann



America & End-Time Prophecy

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For years I have found America's conspicuous absence from events foretold in end-time prophecy confusing. Knowing that God is not the author of confusion, I began a journey through God's Word to find clarity and understanding. In this one-hour special presentation, I will share my journey's discoveries, and promise you will be surprised and possibly shocked at what God's Word reveals that so few understand. For not only is America very much present in end-time prophecy, but her role is even now coming to pass.

Some of the topics we will discuss include:

  • What is Prophecy?
  • What is the Difference Between Prophecy and End-Time Prophecy?
  • Why Are There So Many Crack-Pot Interpretations of Prophecy?
  • How Do We Know it's the End-Time or Last Age?
  • How Bible History Reveals Future Events
  • Why Does America Appear to Be Missing in Prophecy?
  • Understanding America in End-Time Prophecy

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