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Office Of A Prophet 255x225 01VID - Office of a Prophet

Course Number: SP 4043-30
Office of a Prophet, ICM Course
Category: School of the Prophets, Theology & Ministry
VID - Video Course
Credit Hours: 3hrs

This course lays the foundational differences between the spirit of prophecy, the gift of prophecy, and the office of a prophet. It highlights 50+ characteristics of those holding the office of a prophet such as their prayer life, their difficulties, their mindset, and how they know if they are called by God as a prophet. This course also focuses on their main functions and how they are to flow in what they are called to do.

With so many people professing to be a prophet, it is important to the body of Christ, and to everyone, how to identify the real from the false, the immature to the mature.

Dr. Nina Gardner has earned a PhD in Christian Psychology and a Doctorate of Theology from the Dr. Nina Gardner has earned a PhD in Christian Psychology and a Doctorate of Theology from the International College of Ministry. She and her husband, Bobby, are founders of One Voice International Ministries in Southaven, MS. Dr. Nina has 2 Schools of the Prophets - one in Memphis, TN and a second in Troy, MO. She also has authored many books on worship, theological books, and a children's book.

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