Course Number: CC 5044-30
Counseling Sexual Addiction, ICM Course
Category: Christian Counseling
VID - Video Course
Credit Hours: 3hrs
We know about the infamous sex offenders, politicians and Hollywood celebrities in trouble, the sex slave trade in other countries but that’s not where we live. Is it? A 2014 survey by the Barna Group revealed that 64% of self-identified Christian men and 15% of self-identified Christian women view pornography at least once per month (compared to 65% of non-Christian men and 30% of non-Christian women). Sounds like an epidemic both in and outside of the church!
The bible is clear about the God designed relationship between man and woman. Genesis 2:18-25. And what it’s not intended to be. Romans 1:26-27. We’ll look at the biblical commands and principles, applying them to sexual addiction. Discover the origins of the “sexual revolution” which actually lead our world into sexual anarchy. Learn useful tools that help identify if someone has a sexual addiction and the nature of its origin. Gain the resources needed to help them in their recovery, restoration, and ultimately foster their deliverance. This six-week series promises to be useful for counselors as well as anyone who may know someone with a sexual addiction. Come join in and invite your friends.
Counseling Sexual Addiction by James Drake is an in-depth study of sexual addiction for the Christian Counselor. This timely course will be fascinating because of the depth of information presented on a topic that’s rarely discussed from the pulpit. The student will study key issues and answers from a Holy Spirit directed viewpoint. This is an important course for all counseling majors and for personal enrichment or healing.