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Prophetic Team Ministry v2ICM's Featured
School-of-the-Prophets Course

Prophetic Team Ministry

ICM's newest addition to our School of the Prophets catalog is Prophetic Team Ministry.

Taught by Darin Slack, this course teaches building prophetic teams in the church.

Prophetic Ministry is the Holy Spirit’s gift to the Church.

What if there was a way we could reclaim a meaningful, God-honoring manifestation of prophetic ministry in our churches, without all the mess? We need Prophetic Team Ministry rooted in the gospel and empowered by the Spirit serving in the Church today.

Click here to learn more about this exciting course.

Top 5 School of the Prophets Courses:
  1. School of the Prophets
  2. Prophetic Counseling
  3. Covet to Prophesy
  4. School of the Spirit
  5. Messages From God
Most Recent Additions:
  1. Step Out on the Water
  2. Office of a Prophet
  3. Prophetic Team Ministry
  4. Messages From God
  5. School of the Prophets

International College of Ministry

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