An Interview with ICM Alumni & Guidance Counselor, Dr. Mary Green.
ICM: With us today, we have ICM alumni and guidance counselor, Dr. Mary Green...An Interview with ICM Alumni & Guidance Counselor, Dr. Mary Green.
ICM: With us today, we have ICM alumni and guidance counselor, Dr. Mary Green. Welcome Dr. Green and thank you for participating in this interview. Perhaps we could start off with what degree you earned from ICM and what year you graduated.
Dr. Green: I have three degrees from ICM: a PHD in Ministry, a PHD in Christian Counseling, and a Doctor of Divinity having graduates in 2011, 2018, and 2019 respectively.
ICM: And now you use your equipping as ICM’s guidance counselor to assist students with their degree programs?
Dr. Green: That’s right—I was offered the guidance counselor position in 2019.
ICM: What brought you to ICM back in 2011?
Dr. Green: I first heard of ICM through a former graduate. Their testimony impressed me. But of course, it wasn’t the testimony alone that inspired me to enroll.
ICM: What were the other things that helped you decide to enroll at ICM?
Dr. Green: To start, ICM is an accredited college with a bible-based vision. ICM’s online degrees are very affordable especially when compared to other bible colleges. Also, Dr. Self is very generous when awarding life credit toward a degree. ICM is non-denominational and supports those with financial hardships.
ICM: Tell us a little about your ministry background.
Dr. Green: I served as senior pastor of three congregations, one in Eugene, Oregon, one in Tacoma, Washington, and one in Seattle, Washington.
ICM: And what are you currently doing?
Dr. Green: Currently, I head different ministries in my local congregation. There’s Bridge Builders International in Arlington, Texas under Dr. Johnasen Pack. I’m an Elder of the Ministerial staff and have served in the Women's Ministry as the International Leader of the Women’s Ministry of ‘The Jordan Partnership.’ I’ve served in the Children's Ministry and I am committed to serve as a Life Coach investing in others, believing with a positive mind, communicating from a place of love, compassion and understanding, while helping others find meaning, direction, and fulfillment for their God given purpose in life.
ICM: And at ICM? What are you doing there?
Dr. Green: So far, I’ve encouraged and assisted at least 10 persons to join the ICM family. And I’ve seen some of those persons graduate with a B.S., B.A. and PhD degrees. I’ve written curriculum for several courses in Chaplaincy and am dedicated to helping ICM fulfill its call to equip God’s people for ministry.
ICM: Can you explain how ICM has helped you in your ministry?
Dr. Green: Because of the vast knowledge and expertise of ICM’s seasoned professors, experts in different areas of counseling, who have spent hours of research, alongside first-hand experiences and practical application, my perspective of God’s Word calls me to serve. I now feel better equipped to tackle issues that in the past I was hesitant to touch. Knowledge is powerful. I am now equipped to deal with multiple issues and get to the root cause of problems rather than addressing symptoms to work toward healing. The empowerment I’ve received helps me step out, believing I can and will embrace Isaiah 61:1 with greater understanding.
ICM: Would you share an experience where your ICM training helped you counsel someone?
Dr. Green: There was the time a friend suffered the loss of a loved one. I was there to help my friend through their grief and mourning process and to help with the many details that can easily be overlooked. This gave my friend a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, and a voice to encourage acceptance of the things that don’t make sense. I am grateful I didn’t have to pretend to have answers. My ICM training helped me be confident in saying that there are times life will present hard questions for which there is no answer like why a loved one is gone. I helped my friend walk through the stages of grief to finally come to understand that they could go on with life. The pain is real, but it does get easier as we trust God to comfort us and walk us through the process.
I was able to help my friend through grieving, mourning loss, and understanding that sometimes a person has to repeat these stages. Other times, there is no consistent order to the recovery process.
ICM: What advice would you give to someone considering enrolling in ICM?
Dr. Green: Becoming a member of the ICM family can be an opportunity of a lifetime. ICM is an in-depth ministry training seminary, accredited to award ministry licenses, ordination, and every level of degree as well as a place to inspire personal growth. Even if you’re desiring to redeem your past and find your promised land, ICM is the place to invest.
ICM certainly teaches the application of God’s Word, and students are able to work in a home atmosphere. It’s easy to email work, questions, and concerns and readily get a response. Students can turn in one assignment or as many as they are able to complete. I found ICM to be hands-on: to be able to literally talk with the president of ICM, a man who is a born teacher and lover of equipping men and women to do ministry— hear him pray and cry with you, and prophesy in your life, causing your future to line up with God’s purpose. I consider ICM a hidden treasure that has propelled me to share this best kept secret.
ICM is able to meet you where you are. It’s affordable. It’s not force driven, but it definitely demands you to make a choice to become a part of one of the most striving seminaries around the world.
ICM: Thank you for sharing your story with us today. We encourage all our students to feel free to reach out to Dr. Green, ICM’s Guidance Counselor available in ICM’s Student Lounge.
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Love that shines brighter than the lights on the tree.
A Most Rewarding Time During This PANDEMIC YEAR!!!
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have
to see the whole stairway. Just take the first step.” Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr.
As we begin 2020,...“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have
to see the whole stairway. Just take the first step.” Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr.
As we begin 2020, your support is greatly appreciated. Thanks for keeping ICM on your heart and mind. If at all possible, make an intentional effort to support our Hardship Fund. There are always students in need.
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Blessings to ICM Alumni, as we approach the Christmas season, we begin to see images of mangers, wise men, and shepherds. One thing, we really miss...Blessings to ICM Alumni, as we approach the Christmas season, we begin to see images of mangers, wise men, and shepherds. One thing, we really miss is the love that the Son of God had for us and the suffering that He went through during the first Christmas. Jesus left the beautiful communion that He had with His Father in heaven to be born as a baby. If for no other reason, this cost Him great suffering and was the sign of great humility. But not only that, we forget how cold, filthy, and raw this stable was. There was no room for Him in the Inn.
During this season, Jesus comes to be born inside ‘the stable’ of broken hearts; to heal them, and show them His love. Many people are so preoccupied with the Christmas hustle and bustle that there is no room for Him in their heart. I ask each of you to re-evaluate what Christmas really means to you. It’s not gifts and food. It’s sharing love, not only with family but all the hurting people of the world. May each of each find a way to reach out and be a blessing to others. If, in no other way, be a blessing to ICM to give back to aid a student in hardship to be able to attend ICM. Holy Blessings to all this Holiday Season.
Dr. Mary Louise Green
ICM Guidance Counselor
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An Interview with ICM Alumni, Dr. Deborah Colbert
ICM: With us today, we have ICM graduate and alumni, Dr. Deborah Colbert. Welcome Dr. Colbert and...An Interview with ICM Alumni, Dr. Deborah Colbert
ICM: With us today, we have ICM graduate and alumni, Dr. Deborah Colbert. Welcome Dr. Colbert and thank you for participating in this interview. Perhaps we could start off with what degree you earned from ICM and what year you graduated.
Dr. Colbert: Which one—the first or second?
ICM: Oh, that’s right, your so enjoyed your enrollment with ICM, you came back for a second degree. Go ahead and tell our readers about both degrees.
Dr. Colbert: My first ICM degree was in 2013 and that was my Doctorate in Philosophy of Christian Counseling. Two years later in 2015, I completed my Doctorate in Theology.
ICM: And has your dual-degrees helped you in your ministry?
Dr. Colbert: The credentialing is the part that I believe is powerful. Those that have been wounded have difficulty trusting and I find the credentialing in conjunction with the life experience of the counselor is a powerful combination for those seeking help. They are more likely to feel safe and more inclined to come forward to ask for help.
ICM: And I presume, when you say “they,” you’re referring to your patients. Tell us more about your ministry and what you do.
Dr. Colbert: My ministry is called a transforming prayer ministry. It is a counseling tool that connects the recipient with a triggered emotion in the present and allows a process through association, that takes them back to (a memory) the original implantation of the lie/lies. This is where Truth is uncovered, again with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. It treats the point of deception, where/when lies were implanted that continue to cause behavioral problems in the present time. Miracles happen when God reveals truth to someone (personally).
ICM: Do you feel your ICM training and degrees have been helpful in counseling your patients?
Dr. Colbert: I have treated many professionals and their first request from me is to tell them about my credentials as well as my life experience. I do share myself honestly from the start and this allows them to open up and let their guard down.
ICM: What advice would you offer to someone considering enrolling in an ICM degree program?
Dr. Colbert: I would highly encourage them to enroll as I feel sound doctrine is taught in a way that is interesting, stimulating, emotionally engaging and heartfelt.
ICM: Thank you so much Dr. Colbert for spending some time with us today. If any of our readers want more information on your ministry, where can they go?
Dr. Colbert: All my contact information is available at:…
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