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Our Vision

ICM_Dove_01The International College of Ministry is a non-denominational, Christ centered, Holy Spirit filled, seminary based in central Florida. International College of Ministry offers associates, bachelors, masters and doctorate programs in theology ministry in Christian counseling.

ICM offers a variety of courses designed to equip people to work in various ministries. Ministries can come in many forms. ICM works to help the individual fulfill their purpose and calling from the Lord. Everything that ICM does is Christ centered and has one main purpose; to build or enhance the kingdom of God and the knowledge and revelation of Jesus Christ in this world. ICM offers sound scriptural teaching, training and equipping to anyone who has a sincere desire to come into a deeper knowledge and revelation of God.

We know that God earnestly desires to communicate to all mankind. We believe that in order to know the Master’s voice we must be students of His written word. ICM purposes to help each individual student come into the fullness of their personal call from the Lord. This will be done through education, prayer and an active use of the Spiritual gifts. ICM offers valid credentials to anyone who completes their degree program knowing that God will use these credentials as keys to open doors for the work of His Kingdom. Our vision is to build an exciting dynamic and purposeful online school as well as plant live campuses in cooperation with churches across our nation and in other countries. Our online school will be a storehouse of information and knowledge to complete this vision. ICM purposes to work with the local church in equipping and training their members through live classes, online classes, and webinars.

The reason we do this is that the message the true Ministers of Christ carry is the most important message the world will ever hear. It is critical that ministers be trained to accurately and powerfully reflect Jesus Christ. Our nation has become more and more godless. People are living under the authority of the prince of this world who is Satan. God wants to set His children free to live the abundant life that Jesus Christ promised. This mission is to be accomplished by God’s own set apart ministers. It is therefore critical that these ministers be trained to be as effective as possible in what the Lord has commissioned them to do. This is what ICM is about. ICM trains and equips, imparts and activates ministers with the knowledge and power that comes through the Holy Spirit. ICM works to glorify Christ because we know that everything the Holy Spirit is involved in will always glorify Jesus. We believe in these times, it is vital now more than ever, that people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and be restored into their relationship with God.

The History of ICM College

Prophet_Guy_01The International College of Ministry is a non-denominational Christ centered seminary for all believers. The International College of Ministry is a unique ministry, founded by Dr. Ray Self in June of 2002 in Memphis, TN, after receiving a word from the Lord. At that time the school was popularly known as "The School of the Prophets." Several thousand students came to the school, many supernaturally as the Holy Spirit led them.

The school originally was a ministry certification license and ordination program. The school taught in areas of theology and Christian counseling with the emphasis being on having sound Christian doctrine and knowing the voice of God. Each class was marked by time of personal ministry at the end. Students not only learned the word of God but were encouraged to be doers of the word of God with various ministry exercises during each class. The School of the Prophets was popular with many denominations as students came from miles around to be taught the word of God and to be imparted and activated in their gifting.

Dr. Ray Self has worked in the equipping ministry since 1998. He was an 8-year member of the International Board of Advisors for Jacksonville Theological Seminary. He planted and was responsible for Jacksonville Theological campuses in 5 cities. In 2007 the school was relocated to Orlando Florida. Application was made to the Florida Department of Education and the school was approved to grant ecclesiastical degrees. The name of the school was changed to the International College of Ministry. Immediately the school experienced rapid growth working in cooperation with several churches in the Central Florida area as well as churches in Mississippi and Tennessee. ICM was approved to offer associates bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees in ministry, theology and Christian counseling. The Lord spoke to Dr. Self and said that ICM was a vehicle to carry His message to the nations. In 2009 ICM began developing an online school that could reach people around the world with the message of God,. ICM is proud to have campuses in Oregon, Tennessee, Mississippi, Florida Peru, Bahamas and soon Texas and Pennsylvania.

The International College of Ministry has always had the vision to equip ministers to work in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. ICM purposes not just to be academic institution but a college that allows the Holy Spirit to control the classroom. ICM desires to be the place where spirit and truth can always be found. At the time of this writing over 5000 students have studied through this ministry since 1998.

A Message from Our Founder

ICM Founder Dr. Ray SelfI had a dream of a school that would teach the word of God as accurately as possible but at the same time recognize the need for the anointing of the Holy Spirit in all that we do. ICM is the answer to that dream. I believe that having facts about the Lord is not enough. Imagine just having facts and information about your husband, wife, or child. You could read all about them, study interesting details of their life, even memorize things that they have said. Imagine if that is all that you had. What if you never spoke to them, listened to them, felt their loving presence, or experienced life with them? I believe that this is a picture of some seminaries today. I want each of our students to know as much as possible about God and His word. I even more want each student to experience God and have a personal loving relationship with Him. An intellectual knowledge of God is not enough. Through an intimate relationship with the Lord each student will know and be able to accomplish the purpose for which they were created.

Another area that I challenge each of our students is to be doers of the word (James 1:22). If I ask any student if the Bible is absolutely true, I will immediately get the same answer, “yes.” So if the word of God is true then it contains some very amazing revelation and instruction for us. If it is true, then we should believe and do what it says. I personally love the following revelation from the Lord; even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ by grace have ye been saved, and raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, (Ephesians 2:5-6). This scripture is one of many amazing facts of scripture concerning us. It states some incredible truths (if you believe that the bible is true, which I am sure that you do). We were dead because we have sinned against God. We have been made alive. Our legal position is sitting right next to Jesus in heavenly places. This is a truth that can stretch our faith, but it is the word of God and it is true. Our position is next to Christ in the heavenly realm. If only we would all live through that fact. At ICM it is not enough just to know information.

God has created universal truths and principles. If you jump off of a roof you will fall to the ground. If you land in water you will get wet. If the water is deep enough, you will probably not get hurt. If you touch something hot you will get burned. These facts may seem silly to you but they are true even if you do not believe them. So it is with the word of God. We at ICM teach the absolute certainty of the word of God. You have been raised from a dead position and you have been granted a high position with Christ. I think a reason that we do not see so much of the tremendous truths of scripture manifest in the lives of ordinary Christians is because of a lack of supernatural teaching which results supernatural faith.

Jesus said that those Christians who believe will be able to do what He did during His ministry; Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto the Father (John 14:12). If Jesus is telling the truth (of course He is) then we can also heal the sick and cast out demons all for the glory of God’s kingdom. The believer can do this through the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through Him or her just like Christ. At ICM we allow the power of the Holy Spirit to flow though each student.

I want to make a concluding point to you. Becoming a minster or a mature believer involves living and ministering in a supernatural realm. The more we study the Bible the more we will become aware of the capabilities of the Christian believer. I want each student to live up to all of the potential that God has created within them. This can only be accomplished through an intimate knowledge of Christ and an empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Welcome to ICM!

Dr. Ray L. Self
Founder and President


The International College of Ministry's
Statement of Faith

The Holy Scriptures

We believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of the Living God; true, without error, immutable, steadfast, unchangeable, inspired by the Lord God Jehovah; and penned by Holy men of old as they were moved upon and directed by the Holy Spirit.

The Eternal Godhead

We believe that there is but one true and Living God; maker of heaven and earth and all that are in them; the Alpha and Omega, Who was, and is, and shall be without end; that in the unity of the Godhead there are three Persons, equal in every divine perfection, executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption.

The Father — whose glory is so exceeding bright that mortal men cannot look upon His face and live; but whose heart was so filled with love and pity for His lost and sin-benighted children that He freely gave His only begotten Son to redeem and reconcile them unto Himself:

The Son — Co-existent and co-eternal with the Father, Who, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin named Mary, took upon Himself the form of man, bore our sins, carried our sorrows; and by the shedding of His precious blood upon the cross of Calvary, purchased redemption for all that would believe upon Him; bursting the bonds of death and hell, rose from the grave and ascended on high leading captivity captive, that as the great Mediator betwixt God and man, He might sit at the right hand of the father making intercession for who He laid down His life.

The Holy Spirit — The third person of the Godhead, the Spirit of the Father shed abroad, omnipotent, omnipresent, performing an inexpressible important mission upon earth, convicting of sin, of righteousness, and judgment, drawing sinners to the Savior, rebuking, pleading, searching, comforting, guiding, quickening, teaching, glorifying, baptizing and enduing with power from on high, all who yield to His tender ministries, preparing them for the great day of the Lord's appearing.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts (Charismata)

We believe that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5,8, Acts 8:17, Acts 19:6) and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still valid for today, being sovereignly distributed to every member of Christ's Church, as He, the Spirit, wills, for the purpose of edifying the entire body. (1Cor 12:1-11; Rom 12:3-8; 1Peter 4:10)

The Fall of Man

We believe that man was created in the image of God, before Whom he walked in holiness and purity, but that by voluntary disobedience and transgression, he fell from the Eden of purity and innocence to the depths of sin and iniquity. We also believe that as a consequence of this, all mankind are sinners, not by coercion, but by choice, shaped in iniquity and utterly void by nature of the holiness required by the law of God. Therefore, mankind is positively inclined to evil, guilty and without excuse, justly deserving the condemnation of a just and Holy God.

The Plan of Redemption

We believe that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, the just for the unjust; freely, and by divine appointment of the Father, taking the sinner's place, bearing his sins, receiving his condemnation, dying his death, fully paying his penalty, and signing with His life's blood, the pardon of everyone who should believe upon Him; that upon simple faith and acceptance of the atonement purchased on Mount Calvary, the vilest sinner may be cleansed of his iniquities and made whiter than the driven snow.

Salvation Through Grace

We believe that the salvation of sinners is wholly through grace; that we have no righteousness or goodness of our own wherewith to seek divine favor, and must come, therefore, throwing ourselves upon the unfailing mercy and life of Him who bought us and washed us in His blood, pleading the merits and righteousness of Christ the Savior, standing upon His word and accepting the free gifts of His love and pardon.


We believe in the Biblical definition of marriage and its laws concerning human sexuality. According to the Bible, marriage and the guiding principles for it was created and given to humanity by God, as a part of His original creation. Therefore, the institution of marriage was not an afterthought or an invention of man, but the creation of God. (Gen. 2:22-24, Matt. 19:4-5; Lev. 20:13, I Cor. 6:9)

Human Life

We believe in the sanctity of human life, even in the womb of the mother. The Bible does not specifically mention the word abortion, but it does speak of unborn children. These Biblical statements refer to the unborn as persons; therefore, any deliberate disruption of that life process is abortion and killing a person in the sight of God. (Ps. 139:13-16, Jer.1:5, Gen. 9:6)

Who We Are

International College of Ministry is recognized by the Florida Department of Education as a religious school granting degrees including Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate. We are an equipping, training, and activating program for all Christians in the full counsel of the Word of God. We are a place wherein students learn to interpret scripture hermeneutically, hearing the heart of the author, the Holy Spirit. We are an institution that advances the Kingdom of God by equipping believers and releasing them into their God-given calling.

  • International College of Ministry is a non-resident learning center.
  • One of the things ICM is doing to help student benefit more from the learning experience is to train and place Campus Directors in strategic places about the globe. These Directors are capable of providing prospective students with quality education and any necessary information about ICM.
  • Degree courses can be completed entirely online.
  • For more information call the ICM International Office and we will be happy to supply a name and telephone number of a Campus Director in your area.

International College of Ministry

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