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A Message from Our Founder

ICM Founder Dr. Ray SelfI had a dream of a school that would teach the word of God as accurately as possible but at the same time recognize the need for the anointing of the Holy Spirit in all that we do. ICM is the answer to that dream. I believe that having facts about the Lord is not enough. Imagine just having facts and information about your husband, wife, or child. You could read all about them, study interesting details of their life, even memorize things that they have said. Imagine if that is all that you had. What if you never spoke to them, listened to them, felt their loving presence, or experienced life with them? I believe that this is a picture of some seminaries today. I want each of our students to know as much as possible about God and His word. I even more want each student to experience God and have a personal loving relationship with Him. An intellectual knowledge of God is not enough. Through an intimate relationship with the Lord each student will know and be able to accomplish the purpose for which they were created.

Another area that I challenge each of our students is to be doers of the word (James 1:22). If I ask any student if the Bible is absolutely true, I will immediately get the same answer, “yes.” So if the word of God is true then it contains some very amazing revelation and instruction for us. If it is true, then we should believe and do what it says. I personally love the following revelation from the Lord; even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ by grace have ye been saved, and raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, (Ephesians 2:5-6). This scripture is one of many amazing facts of scripture concerning us. It states some incredible truths (if you believe that the bible is true, which I am sure that you do). We were dead because we have sinned against God. We have been made alive. Our legal position is sitting right next to Jesus in heavenly places. This is a truth that can stretch our faith, but it is the word of God and it is true. Our position is next to Christ in the heavenly realm. If only we would all live through that fact. At ICM it is not enough just to know information.

God has created universal truths and principles. If you jump off of a roof you will fall to the ground. If you land in water you will get wet. If the water is deep enough, you will probably not get hurt. If you touch something hot you will get burned. These facts may seem silly to you but they are true even if you do not believe them. So it is with the word of God. We at ICM teach the absolute certainty of the word of God. You have been raised from a dead position and you have been granted a high position with Christ. I think a reason that we do not see so much of the tremendous truths of scripture manifest in the lives of ordinary Christians is because of a lack of supernatural teaching which results supernatural faith.

Jesus said that those Christians who believe will be able to do what He did during His ministry; Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto the Father (John 14:12). If Jesus is telling the truth (of course He is) then we can also heal the sick and cast out demons all for the glory of God’s kingdom. The believer can do this through the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through Him or her just like Christ. At ICM we allow the power of the Holy Spirit to flow though each student.

I want to make a concluding point to you. Becoming a minster or a mature believer involves living and ministering in a supernatural realm. The more we study the Bible the more we will become aware of the capabilities of the Christian believer. I want each student to live up to all of the potential that God has created within them. This can only be accomplished through an intimate knowledge of Christ and an empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Welcome to ICM!

Dr. Ray L. Self
Founder and President


International College of Ministry

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