Angela Frazier's profile - International College of Ministry | International College of Ministry

Angela Frazier is friends with James Bateman

Good afternoon Marva, It was good talking to you. I pray you have a blessed weekend. God Bless!!!

Angela Frazier is friends with Marva Edwards

Good morning Family, I have been out of the loop for a while. Been under the weather and dealing with these freezing temperatures. Down to my last... Show more

Amye Francis Way to go! 6 months ago

Angela Frazier is friends with Brian Poisson

Angela Frazier is friends with Chris Mccall

Hello, everyone! I know it has been a while. May God Bless!

Dr. La Fondria Brown And you as well Angela! 9 months ago

Angela Frazier is friends with Dr. Ray Self

Hello, everyone, just wanted to stop by and say hello and to God be the Glory!