I can means: I am empowered to Do means: Perform the necessary... | International College of Ministry

I can means: I am empowered to

Do means: Perform the necessary action

All things means: The spiritual and practical work

Through means: Come in one...
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I can means: I am empowered toDo means: Perform the necessary actionAll things means: The spiritual and practical workThrough means: Come in one side and go out the otherChrist means: The Anointed One (The One Who I go THROUGH)When we put it all together, we create a powerful, memorable translation of what it means to go through Christ... a picture.  “I am empowered to perform the necessary action for my spiritual and practical work because I can come into the anointing (spiritual) before I go out into the world (practical).”We come into the spiritual by dwelling in His presence. When we keep Christ at the center of our lives, it truly is the best way to show up daily.
Alisha Armand Wow. Amen and Amen!!!! 1 year ago